But the enemy I see wears a cloak of decency,;
All non-believers and men stealers talkin' in the name of religion

Blonde on Blonde

Ain't it just like the night to play tricks when you're tryin' to be so quiet?

Planet Waves

I hear that sometimes Satan comes as a man of peace.


Pistol shots ring out in the barroom night

Good as I Been to You

if there's an original thought out there, I could use it right now

Bob Dylan’s Greatest Hits

I just can't fit;
Yes, I believe it's time for us to quit

Shot of Love

All I really want to do,;
Is, baby, be friends with you.

The Bootleg Series, Vol 7: No Direction Home

Temptation's not an easy thing

The Essential Bob Dylan

Well, You've done it all and there's no more anyone can pretend to do.;
What can I do for You?

The Bootleg Series, Vol 8: Tell Tale Signs

Yesterday everything was going too fast;
Today, it's moving too slow

Highway 61 Revisited

Well, I wake in the morning, Fold my hands and pray for rain.;
I got a head full of ideas, That are drivin' me insane.

Bob Dylan

Wealth is a filthy rag;
So erotic so unpatriotic;
So wrapped up in the American flag

The 30th Anniversary Concert Celebration

Won't you descend from the throne, from where you sit?

The Bootleg Series, Vol. 11: The Basement Tapes Complete

If you're lookin' to get silly;
You better go back to from where you came

More Blood, More Tracks – The Bootleg Series Vol. 14

She knows where I'd like to be;
But it doesn't matter.

“Love and Theft”

But even the president of the United States, Sometimes must have, To stand naked.

The 30th Anniversary Concert Celebration – Deluxe Edition

I'd never say;
That I done it the way;
That you'd have liked me to.

The Bootleg Series, Vol. 12: The Best of The Cutting Edge 1965 – 1966

She lit a burner on the stove and offered me a pipe;
"I thought you'd never say hello," she said;
"You look like the silent type."


We're going all the way 'til the wheels fall off and burn

The Bootleg Series Vol. 17: Fragments – Time Out of Mind Sessions (1996–1997)

Lookin' at my shadow watching the colors up above

Rough and Rowdy Ways

Dark Beauty;
Meet me at the border late tonight

Pat Garrett & Billy the Kid

I looked at my watch;
I looked at my wrist;
I punched myself in the face with my fist

Blood on the Tracks

While my conscience explodes;
The harmonicas play the skeleton keys and the rain

The Basement Tapes

Don't you know there's nothing new that's under the sun?;
Well, there ain't no man righteous, no not one.

Bob Dylan in Concert: Brandeis University 1963

I got a poison headache,;
But I feel all right

Slow Train Coming

I see, I see lovers in the meadow;
I see, I see silhouettes in the window;
I watch them 'til they're gone and they leave me hanging on ;
To a shadow

The Bootleg Series Vol. 15: Travelin’ Thru, 1967–1969

Roses are red, violets are blue;
And time is beginning to crawl

The Bootleg Series, Vol 1-3: Rare & Unreleased 1961-1991

Sometimes I feel so low-down and disgusted

The Times They Are A-Changin’

Oh the fishes will laugh;
As they swim out of the path;
And the seagulls they'll be smiling.